Let Failure Become Your Greatest Teacher

It’s time for you to block out distractions. Focus. Put in work.

Time for you to take a little more control of each day. Little by little. Inch by inch. Build your future.

Be Purposeful and Intentional.

Be Present.


It’s so easy to get off track.

You live in the Information Age. More things are vying for your attention than at any time during the history of mankind. You have more opportunities than ever before.

In the palm of your hands, you have access to more information than the President did just 50 years ago.

You live in a world of possibilities.

But, those possibilities are never going to become your reality if you don’t figure out how to focus. Block out the signals coming in. Tune into the signals of your self.



At first you’re probably going to hear that voice that says; “you can’t do that, because you’re not good enough…” or some similar nonsense.

Quiet that voice, with a nice little “shhhhhhhhhhh.”

And If that doesn’t work then try…

shhhhhhhhhhhut the fuck up!”
(in the most loving way possible).

Do whatever you need to do to quiet that voice, so that you can hear the voice that has your back.

Do it quickly.

Then make sure you follow that voice to ends of the earth.

Within you is a voice of reason. It’ll help you take the right baby steps each day. You’ll know if it’s time to rest or if you should push forward.

But, here’s the tricky part. That voice is only right sometimes.  Be prepared to be wrong. Make wrong choices. Fail. Learn. Move on.

Let Failure Become Your Greatest Teacher….

…instead of your worst enemy.

Pay attention: Reality is just a story in your head.

To get out of that rut you’re in, you’re going to need to tell yourself a better stoy.

Stop telling yourself what you can and cannot accomplish.

Just do something — Anything towards your desired results each day. Do the minimum.

Each day.

Every day.

The old story of who you think you are and what you think you can do will come up. Pretend it’s someone else feeding you a line of bullshit. Reply…

Yeah…. watch me.

Pay close attention to the story you’re telling yourself over the next few days.

Then see where you need to edit the narrative.

You are the writer, director and star of your own show. Make it a great one.

Talk to you soon,
Your Future Self.

PS. What you just read is the result of my morning meditation and visualization.

These are suggestions that I give to myself.

My hope in sharing them are that you find some inspiration to tame your inner critic, reduce stress and get to creating the life of your dreams.